Knee Pain Treatment
Knee pain is a very common complaint and has many different symptoms. It’s important to seek medical attention to get the specific treatment for your condition.
When to see a doctor
Some signs of knee pain that require medical attention are:
- Inability to walk comfortably on the affected side
- Knee pain that occurs at night or while resting
- Locking (inability to bend) the knee
- Swelling of the joint or the calf area
- Signs of infection, including fever, redness, warmth, and any other unusual symptoms.
Causes of Knee Pain
- Arthritis
- Ligament Injuries
- Cartilage Injuries
- Dislocating kneecap
- Bursitis
It is important to make an accurate diagnosis so that the appropriate treatment can begin.
Our physical therapist can work with the specific areas of weakness with the knee through exercises and stretching. Rehab tends to be a smoother process, in which knees get stronger and range of motion improves, resulting in a faster and more successful recovery.